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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply.
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Program search results
Program search results
Program Name  City Country Region Save/Share
Appeal to participate in study abroad for students with GPA lower than 2.50 Various Various Various
Appeal to participate in study abroad program not on the approval list Various Various Various
China University of Petroleum Beijing China Asia
Qingdao China Asia
CIEE Summer Language and Culture in Alcalá de Henares, Spain Alcala de Henares Spain Europe
CIS Abroad Semester in Rome - American University of Rome Rome Italy Europe
CIS Abroad Semester in Thailand - Mahidol University Bangkok Thailand Asia
CIS Abroad Summer in Rome Rome Italy Europe
Diorama Arts Management Internship London England Europe
Direct Enroll - Catholic University of Lille - European Summer Program Lille France Europe
Direct Enroll - Cimba Global Business Education, Italy Paderno del Grappa Italy Europe
Direct Enroll - Kingston University London Kingston-upon-Thames England Europe
London England Europe
Direct Enroll - Kingston University Summer School London England Europe
Direct Enroll - London School of Economics and Political Science Summer Program London England Europe
Direct Enroll - Université Laval - Summer Program Quebec Canada North America
Direct Enroll - University College Dublin Dublin Ireland Europe
Direct Enroll - University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand Australia/Pacific Islands
Direct Enroll - University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
DIS - Summer Courses Copenhagen Denmark Europe
Stockholm Sweden Europe
Education Abroad Network (TEAN): Hanyang University Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) Asia
Exchange/Direct Enroll: Waseda University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
Exchange: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran Saudi Arabia Middle East
Exchange: Lille Catholic University (Université Catholique de Lille) (Exchange) Lille France Europe
Exchange: MAUI Aarhus University, Denmark (Exchange) Aarhus Denmark Europe
Exchange: MAUI Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania (Exchange) Iasi Romania Europe
Exchange: MAUI Comenius University, Slovakia (Exchange) Bratislava Slovakia Europe
Exchange: MAUI Jagiellonian University, Poland (Exchange) Krakow Poland Europe
Exchange: MAUI Masaryk University, Czech Republic (Exchange) Brno Czech Republic Europe
Exchange: MAUI Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (Exchange) Madrid Spain Europe
Exchange: MAUI University College Cork, Ireland (Exchange) Cork Ireland Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Antwerp, Belgium (Exchange) Antwerp Belgium Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Basel, Switzerland (Exchange) Basel Switzerland Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Bergen, Norway (Exchange) Bergen Norway Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Coimbra, Portugal (Exchange) Coimbra Portugal Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Hull, England (Exchange) Hull United Kingdom Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Leipzig, Germany (Exchange) Leipzig Germany Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Exchange) Ljubljana Slovenia Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Malta, Malta (Exchange) Msida Malta Europe
Exchange: MAUI University of Valencia, Spain (Exchange) Valencia Spain Europe
Exchange: MAUI Utrecht University, Netherlands (Exchange) Utrecht Netherlands Europe
Exchange: MAUI Vilnius University, Lithuania (Exchange) Vilnius Lithuania Europe
Exchange: Robert Gordon University (Exchange) Aberdeen Scotland Europe
Exchange: Singapore Management University (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
Exchange: Technological University of the Shannon (Exchange) Athlone Ireland Europe
Exchange: TU Dortmund University (Exchange) Dortmund Germany Europe
Exchange: Université Laval (Exchange) Quebec Canada North America
Exchange: University College Dublin School of Law & College of Business (UCD) (Exchange) Dublin Ireland Europe
Exchange: University of Canberra (Exchange) Canberra Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Exchange: University of Cantabria (Exchange) Santander Spain Europe
Exchange: University of Leicester (Exchange) Leicester England Europe
Exchange: University of Piura (Exchange) Lima Peru South America
Piura Peru South America
Exchange: University of Siegen (Exchange) Siegen Germany Europe
Exchange: University of Vaasa (Exchange) Vaasa Finland Europe
Global E3: General Application (Exchange) Various Various Various
Global E3: City University of Hong Kong (Exchange) Hong Kong China Asia
Global E3: Delft University of Technology (Exchange) Delft Netherlands Europe
Global E3: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Exchange) Hamburg Germany Europe
Global E3: Hanyang University (Exchange) Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA (SOUTH KOREA) Asia
Global E3: Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Exchange) Hong Kong China Asia
Global E3: Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia) (Exchange) Badung Indonesia Asia
Global E3: KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (Exchange) Daejon City South Korea Asia
Global E3: Khalifa University of Science and Technology (Exchange) Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Middle East
Global E3: Lund University (Exchange) Lund Sweden Europe
Global E3: Nanyang Technological University (Exchange) Singapore Singapore Asia
Global E3: Technical University of Denmark Copenhagen Denmark Europe
Global E3: The American University in Cairo (Exchange) Cairo Egypt Africa
Global E3: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Johor Bahru, Malaysia) (Exchange) Johor Bahru Malaysia Asia
Global E3: Universiti Teknologi Petronas (Bandar Seri Iskandar, Malaysia) (Exchange) Bandar Seri Iskandar Malaysia Asia
Global E3: University of Leeds (Exchange) Leeds England Europe
Global E3: University of Melbourne (Exchange) Melbourne Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Global E3: University of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (Exchange) Shanghai China Asia
Global E3: University of New South Wales (Exchange) Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Global E3: University of Newcastle (Exchange) Callaghan Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
IES Abroad Buenos Aires – Latin American Societies & Cultures Buenos Aires Argentina South America
IES Abroad Madrid - Language & Area Studies Madrid Spain Europe
IES Abroad Vienna - Music Vienna Austria Europe
IES Abroad Vienna Summer - Music History & Performance Vienna Austria Europe
IFSA - IFSA Merida Universities Program Merida Mexico Central America
Internship Semester for International Engineering/Science Language Program Various Various Various
ISA Barranquilla, Colombia: Latin American Studies, International Business, Engineering & Courses with Locals-Semester Barranquilla Colombia South America
ISA Berlin, Germany: German Language and European Studies - Semester/Trimester Berlin Germany Europe
ISA Cusco, Peru: Language, Literature & Culture - Summer Cusco Peru South America
ISA Internships in Various Countries Auckland New Zealand Australia/Pacific Islands
Dublin Ireland Europe
London England Europe
Madrid Spain Europe
Santiago Chile South America
Seoul South Korea Asia
Shanghai China Asia
Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Tokyo Japan Asia
Valencia Spain Europe
ISA Madrid, Spain: Business, International Studies & Communication Courses with Locals in English- Academic Year/Semester Madrid Spain Europe
ISA Madrid, Spain: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Courses with Locals in English - Academic Year/Semester Madrid Spain Europe
ISA Madrid, Spain: Spanish Language, Liberal Arts & Business at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija - Semester/Trimester Madrid Spain Europe
ISA San Jose, Costa Rica: Environmental Studies, Health Care, Liberal Arts & Spanish Language - Semester/Trimester San Jose Costa Rica Central America
ISA San Jose, Costa Rica: Environmental Studies, Health Care, Liberal Arts & Spanish Language - Summer San Jose Costa Rica Central America
ISA Seoul, South Korea: Korean Language & Courses in English at Hanyang University - Summer Seoul South Korea Asia
ISA Sevilla, Spain: Hispanic Studies & Electives - Academic Year/Semester
Sevilla Spain Europe
ISA Valencia, Spain: Health and Natural Sciences - Academic Year/Semester Valencia Spain Europe
ISA Valparaiso/ Vina Del Mar, Chile: Business and Culture in English & Spanish Language - Academic Year/Semester Vina del Mar Chile South America
Student-Athletes Abroad: Summer Internship Cape Town South Africa Africa
Phuket Thailand Asia
San Jose Costa Rica Central America
Sydney Australia Australia/Pacific Islands
Valencia Spain Europe
USAC China: Chengdu - Chinese Language and Culture Chengdu China Asia
USAC China: Shanghai - Chinese Language and International Business Shanghai China Asia
USAC Czech Republic: Prague - Politics, Culture, and the Arts Prague Czech Republic Europe
USAC Germany: Lüneburg - German Language, European and Sustainability/Environmental Studies Luneburg Germany Europe
USAC India: Bengaluru – Culture, Society, and Global Perspectives Bangalore India Asia
USAC Ireland: Galway - Irish Literature, History, and Music Galway Ireland Europe
USAC Italy: Torino - International Business, Politics, Architecture, and Italian Studies Torino Italy Europe
USAC Italy: Viterbo - Intensive Italian Language, History, and the Arts Viterbo Italy Europe
USAC Scotland: Stirling - Undergraduate Courses Stirling Scotland Europe
USAC South Africa: Stellenbosch - Undergraduate Courses Stellenbosch South Africa Africa
USAC Spain: Alicante - Spanish Language, Linguistics, European, Mediterranean, and Gender Studies Alicante Spain Europe